i1Solutions Services

Solution Providing Services

i1 Solutions have the required skills and experience in the design and development tooling associated with our products. As a solution provider, we can provide the full spectrum of services with respect to our products, including: Architectural Consulting, Technical Support Services, Project Resourcing and Support, Managed Services, Integration Services and Licensing Services.

We are highly skilled and certified in Hybrid Cloud Integration, Digital Business Automation and Application Runtime & Development. With our in depth knowledge of the various products, we can also assist you in understanding which offerings are the best fit for your requirements, as well as helping you to determine what software licenses would be appropriate for that requirement.

We can also assist you in running ‘proof of concept’ projects to demonstrate how these products can be leveraged within your own environment.

i1 Solutions can support the development function, providing input to developing custom solutions and planning.

  • Providing support for capacity planning. Providing best practices input from an integration architecture perspective.
  • Develop solutions making use of high level architectural principles down to low level principals.
  • Guiding teams in terms of implementing and following a more formal SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) process, both from the perspective of the infrastructure components and from the perspective of the shared components that are developed and managed within.
  • General troubleshooting of issues in the operational environment.
  • Application of fix packs.
  • Provide informal training and mentoring in the form of hands on knowledge/skills transfer and also the running of technology Proof of Concept (PoC) or Proof of Technology (PoT) activities. This is particularly useful where it relates to new technologies that are being introduced.
  • Provide best practice guidance, based on the experience that the i1 Solutions team members have had in other similar engagements.
  • Hybrid cloud development with platforms such as AWS, Azure, GCP, Digital Ocean etc.
Integration Services
Project Resourcing and Support Services
Technical Support Services
Architecture Consulting